The Best Strength Exercises For Self-Defense

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The ability to defend yourself from attacks is critical, especially in recent years. Spikes in crime levels across different US cities mean that we are in growing danger of becoming victims of crimes. However, if you have studied martial arts approaches such as Krav Maga, you will be capable of fending off criminals and protecting your loved ones in the process.

It’s important to remember that physical and mental well-being go hand in glove. You should take breaks and enjoy penny slot machines free  , eat right (or at least try), be active; these things will help you feel better both inside out! In this regard, here are some of the top strength exercises for self-defense.


Deadlift involves lifting a weight, typically in a barbell form, from the ground. The exercise is great for building core strength as well as many different muscles all across the body. When it comes to martial arts, core strength matters because it helps in lifting techniques such as those common in Judo. The deadlift is also easy to do. It does not require a lot of equipment or much space. You can also constantly vary the weights to ensure that you are working all your muscles. 


Push-ups are among the oldest forms of exercise. Their longevity is a tribute to their effectiveness in keeping you fit and strong. Push-ups help to work out upper body strengths and especially the arms. Building arm strength is critical in most forms of martial arts. A good example is Krav Maga which has a number of throwing techniques. Push-ups can help you excel in all throwing techniques.

Plyometric Push-Ups

One of the great aspects of push-ups is their versatility. By altering one or several elements of the standard push-up, you can create variants that help work different parts of your body. A great example is plyometric push-ups. This variant is great when it comes to building muscle speed reactions. One of the common features of criminal assaults is that they tend to be surprise attacks. With this in mind, it makes sense for any self-defense program to put emphasis on muscle speed. 

Turkish Get-Up (TGU)

When it comes to self-defense techniques, one of the most important moves involves some form of grappling.  While grappling, especially when on the ground, is featured in most martial arts programs, it is the main focus of Jiu-Jitsu. Despite this, it is important to be able to fight on the ground as a surprise attack might have you sprawled on the ground. Being able to take back control of the fight and defend yourself adequately becomes critical. This is where the Turkish Get-Up (TGU) variant of push-ups becomes critical. This is because it helps to build your muscles that make moving on the ground fast and powerful.

When it comes to any form of strength exercise, it is important to ensure that you are getting expert guidance. All martial arts approaches focus on different muscles as part of their techniques. If you are taking up a specific martial arts program such as Krav Maga, getting experts to help you understand which muscles you need to focus on will help improve your techniques.