Conflict Resolution Tips In The Workplace

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Conflict in the workplace is inevitable as colleagues will have different views about how to get things done. Another factor that makes workplace conflict almost inevitable is the different personalities that you find in the workplace. Any organization is well advised to understand how to manage it when it occurs. To help you manage the next conflict that pops up in your workplace, here are some conflict resolution tips.

Understand The Source

In order to effectively manage workplace conflict, the first step is to understand the source of the conflict. This is because conflict often presents as one thing while in actual fact being about something that is very different. For this reason, peeling back the issues presented in order to reveal the source of the conflict is critical. For example, an organization may be having a resource shortage problem but the issue may present in a very different way. Being able to get to the core of the problem will help you deal with the root of the conflict and likely deliver a permanent solution.

Provide A Safe And Honest Environment

When you talk to the people involved in the conflict, it is important to ensure that there is a safe environment that allows the parties to speak honestly. This might have some implications if you are involved in the conflict. For example, it might be a good idea to bring in a neutral party to arbitrate the process if you are unable to do so. Having a neutral arbiter helps to ensure that all parties are comfortable opening up about their side of the story. The more you can get the parties involved to describe their side of the story as honestly as possible, the more likely you are to arrive at a solution.

Practice Active Listening
There are many ways that people listen to others but none is as effective as active listening when it comes to conflict resolution. Listening actively means listening to the other party without judgment and ensuring that you are taking in everything they have to say. Even if you are affected why what the other party has to say, actively listening means not being defensive or attempting to take a position without listening to all the facts,

Do Your Homework
If the situation demands it, you should embark on collecting facts about the conflict. Facts can be collected from a variety of sources such as accounting documents, CCTV footage, and much more. The facts collected are to be weighed against the information that you already have.

Seek Consensus

Depending on the nature of the conflict, the point of resolution might be around getting a consensus between the parties that are in conflict. However, other measures might be needed. These include possible disciplinary action if the conflict involves the violation of the organization’s code of regulations. Another important thing to consider would be to analyze the conflict with a view of putting measures in place to ensure that this does not happen again. It might mean taking steps to deal with the core issue or even introduce team-building activities to build group cohesion.